Revere co.


Navigating life, relationships, entrepreneurship, responsibilities, and leadership alone is an exhausting task for everyone. Doing so completely unsupported and alone is a sure-fire way to feel exhausted, unwell, and burnt out. But the truth is… feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and apathetic about your life and accomplishments isn’t your fault.

  • As women, we aren’t taught enough about how our body works.
  • We often aren't handed the skills to cope with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
  • We simply aren’t set up to succeed without significant sacrifice. 

And that’s okay. Because we’re here to help.

helping you create a compelling future that will draw the best out of you, not drain you. 


In almost every area, women are overdelivering and under-supported. With female entrepreneur burnout rates at a record-breaking 59% and, 95.2% reporting daily feelings of worry, we are spearheading a movement to help high-achieving women find the peace, comfort, and understanding they deserve.

All of this is for ambitious women, and their team members, who know that it’s possible to live their dream life and feel good while doing it.

Together, we link arms and figure just about anything out–because everyone deserves health and happiness.

Oh, and you can just call me Mal. 

From there, my ultimate goal became helping underserved, difference-making women in business find mental clarity, peace of mind, and relief from stress in a culture that encourages hustling 24/7 and pushing through feelings of burnout & overwhelm (which, by the way, isn’t possible).

With degrees in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Functional Medicine and years of private practice experience, my mission is to share my accumulated expertise with women - so their personal wellbeing is preserved within their pursuits. 

It started with a shocking statistic years ago: 72% of female entrepreneurs report mental health challenges - that’s 3x more than the general public!



her background:


HSc (Psychology, Human Behaviour and Neuroscience); Doctorate of Functional Medicine.

you May also find her:

  • With her family and revolving door of rescue animals. 
  • Devouring books.
  • Burning cookies.
  • Laughing at her own jokes.

modern & Minimal

bold & creative

Pattern Love /

green tea


black coffee

hot drink /



trendy series

Weekend Binge  /

south of france


santorini, greece

Dream Vacation  /

light & bright


dark & moody

Home Style  /

THIS or that

dr. mal edition

seaside dreamer

Hand Talker

Founder & owner


Big Book Worm

design obsessed

Dirty Chai Lattes


horse lover

tuscany dreamer

Zombie Believer


Dog Mama

Vintage Vinyls

tulip obsessed

Dirty Chai Lattes

Chicago, Illinois

horse lover

transformed my life. It allowed me to start my healing journey. Dr. Mal speaks the boss woman language. She gently but fiercely grabs your hands to guide you back home to yourself."

Taye Landry / Entrepreneur

"Dr. Mal single handedly changed my life.  understanding why I was experiencing burnout..

This woman will be the loudest in your cheering section. She is your rock. She is your safe space to be vulnerable without judgment or agenda. She is your sounding board, your "I want to make this dream into a reality" visionary. Mal is your biggest hype woman and the strongest grounding presence you will have, wrapped into one. 

She is your missing link for success, and you won't want to remember what life was like before you had her support, because, frankly, it wasn't the kind of support you needed."

Chelsea Spackman / Entrepreneur

"This is the woman you want in your corner."

Mallory is captivating with her intellect, she explains things simply and it clicks on so many levels. She pours herself into what she does.  You feel supported and your worries are eased. To me, that was everything.

She is not about the quick fix or a prescription. She gave me a very personalized plan and I applied every word of it. My life became so much bigger, brighter and better. She is truly gifted. I am just so grateful.

Mary O'Brien

"My life became so much bigger, brighter and better."

kind words

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